
Well, here we are almost at the end of January and although it hasn’t been a hectic month for me I find myself becoming a creature of habit as usual. You would think that being a Libran I would know something about balance – and I don’t mean standing on one leg or walking a tightrope. I mean having the knowledge to understand that life’s all about enjoying lots of different things instead of concentrating on one or two. Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t mean you should spread yourself thin and end up sick because you’re continuously worn out, I mean adding a little variety.

It’s difficult when you have a full time job and you’re trying to read twenty books before you buy another and you have a nasty January cold and you’re planning a volunteering adventure in South East Asia. The list gets longer and when you add the mundane housework into the mix and try to fit in yoga and your friends, well, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. So how do you do it? This is a question I’ve been asking myself for years. How do you maintain a healthy balance in your life?

To be quite honest, I don’t have an answer, but I’m working on it. I made a conscious effort to put everything aside so I could fit a yoga practice in tonight and then, because yoga always inspires me, I sat down to write this post. So just by motivating myself in one way I was motivated to do something else and it’s about time too! This is only my second post for the year and I started this site to promote my writing and myself. So I’m promising myself that I’m not going to have a repeat of last year where I lost interest in just about everything. I did manage a few trips to the seaside though so it wasn’t all bad. This year I’m going to make some big changes in my life but it has to start out small and grow gradually so I achieve my tiny goals and don’t get disheartened. After all, I’m worth it!

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