Jacqueline & Other Stories

When multiple ideas strike, it doesn’t hurt to put them into a collection of short stories and that’s what I’ve done here. When I first came up with the idea that Jack the Ripper might have been a woman, I immediately began to write the story. This led to other short stories and before too long I had enough to put a book together.

The book includes a fairy tale of my own which introduces the fictitious beaverick, an urban myth and some dark humour. I also had a go a developing a distopian society where the everyday protein sources such as chicken and beef are on the verge of extinction and have been replaced with the humble cat.

I believe there is something for everybody in this book and some stories will give you hope, while others may shock you. Whatever your taste, I think you’ll find it in the short story book Jacqueline & Other Stories.

Jacqueline & Other Stories (2)